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Hello!!! Want to make your own webpage?
Here are some resources to help get you started!!

HTML & CSS Tutorials

Free wallpapers, blinkies, dolls and more images
cool text generator

Free open-source web development tool
(alternative to dreamweaver)


Free web hosting service

Peer-to-peer hosting

Don't forget you can press CTRL+U on any webpage to see it's source code and check out how other people coded their websites!!
Honestly, it is one of the best places to start.


Here are some cool links and whatnot!

Do you remember surfing random websites for hours? Maybe you even remember Stumble Upon? Well this is a really good clone of that.


Do you ever wonder what Progressive Technical Death Metal sounds like? Maybe some Honky-tonk Piano? Well check this site out!

Every Noise Genre Map

Looking for a good place to grab some ROMs so you can preserve your favorite classic games?

Vimm's Lair

Wanna watch some obscure scary movie and scare tf out your date?

Effed Up Movies

Ever miss Toonami late night as a kid?

Toonami Aftermath


More awesome stuff!

districts smile.rip animebath normcorps britney TRPsoundcloud sweethard despacito adult exo.pet wamsynths ebay keygen radiskull discord tupac soundcloud weed 88 ddr gay hellokitty webamp

<--------- Check the blinkies for links too!! BlinkyLinks?? --------->

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